Part Number: 5W4C
Measuring Principle:
Product Headline:
Versatile standard flowmeter for the water and wastewater industry, providing reliable measurements with no pressure loss and 0 x DN inlet run. Ideal for drinking water, utility water, and industrial/municipal wastewater applications.
Sensor Features:
- Flexible Engineering: Options for fixed or lap-joint process connections.
- Corrosion Protection: Compliant with EN ISO 12944 for underground or underwater installations.
- Application Fitness: Meets industry-specific requirements and has international drinking water approvals.
- Degree of Protection: IP68 (Type 6P enclosure).
- Custody Transfer Approval: Compliant with MI-001/OIML R49.
Transmitter Features:
- Safe Operation: Touch-controlled display with background lighting; no need to open the device.
- Integrated Web Server: Facilitates local operation without additional software or hardware.
- Heartbeat Technology: Integrated verification system.
- Durable Housing: Made from polycarbonate or aluminum; includes WLAN access and an integrated data logger.
Nominal Diameter Range:
DN 25 to 3000 (1″ to 120″)
Wetted Materials:
- Liner Materials:
- Hard rubber: 0 to +80 °C (+32 to +176 °F)
- Polyurethane: –20 to +50 °C (–4 to +122 °F)
- PTFE: –20 to +90 °C (–4 to +194 °F)
- Electrodes: 1.4435 (316L), Alloy C22 (2.4602/UNS N06022), Tantalum
Measured Variables:
Volume flow, Conductivity, Mass flow
Max. Measurement Error:
- Volume flow (standard): ±0.5 % of reading ± 1 mm/s (0.04 in/s)
- Volume flow (option): ±0.2 % of reading ± 2 mm/s (0.08 in/s, Flat Spec)
Measuring Range:
0.5 m³/h to 263,000 m³/h (2.5 gal/min to 1665 Mgal/d)
Max. Process Pressure:
PN 40, Class 300, 20K
Medium Temperature Range:
- Hard rubber: 0 to +80 °C (+32 to +176 °F)
- Polyurethane: –20 to +50 °C (–4 to +122 °F)
- PTFE: –20 to +90 °C (–4 to +194 °F)
Ambient Temperature Range:
- Hard rubber: 0 to +80 °C (+32 to +176 °F)
- Polyurethane: –20 to +50 °C (–4 to +122 °F)
Sensor Housing Material:
- DN 25 to 300 (1″ to 12″): AlSi10Mg, coated
- DN 25 to 3000 (1″ to 78″): Carbon steel with protective varnish
- Sensor connection housing (standard): AlSi10Mg, coated
- Sensor connection housing (option): Polycarbonate
Transmitter Housing Material:
Polycarbonate; AlSi10Mg, coated
Degree of Protection:
- Compact Version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
- Sensor Remote Version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure (standard)
- Sensor Remote Version (option): IP68, type 6P enclosure with protective varnish (EN ISO 12944 C5-M/Im1/Im2/Im3)
- Transmitter Remote Version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
- Display: 4-line backlit display with touch control for external operation.
- Configuration: Via local display, web browser, and operating tools.
- 3 outputs:
- 0-20 mA/4-20 mA HART (active)
- Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
- Pulse/frequency output (passive)
- Switch output (passive)
Status input
Digital Communication:
HART, PROFIBUS DP, EtherNet/IP, Modbus RS485
Power Supply:
AC 100 to 240 V / AC/DC 24 V
Hazardous Area Approvals:
Metrological Approvals and Certificates:
- Calibration performed at accredited facilities (ISO/IEC 17025), NAMUR
- Custody transfer according to MI-001 or OIML R49 (optional class I with 0DN inlet run)
Pressure Approvals and Certificates:
Material Certificates:
3.1 material
Hygienic Approvals and Certificates:
Drinking water approvals: ACS, KTW/W270, NSF 61, WRAS BS 6920
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